Vidiot... Haha, i like that new term, "Aclostate", as much as "i am part of the 'Kevinly' class"'!
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Got my JC cancelled... (at least for now)
by Sanchy inso my wife and i have been in the process of fading for a few months now as per my original post here.
about a week ago, i was browsing some ex-jw facebook groups when i saw a post that linked to the crisis of conscience book.
i said "f@(k it" and hit share on it.. a few hours later, i get a long text letter from my mom (who was a fb friend of mine) telling me the typical "good luck finding friends in the world" and how we have "nothing in common anymore"; basically, it was a 'farewell' text.
Got my JC cancelled... (at least for now)
by Sanchy inso my wife and i have been in the process of fading for a few months now as per my original post here.
about a week ago, i was browsing some ex-jw facebook groups when i saw a post that linked to the crisis of conscience book.
i said "f@(k it" and hit share on it.. a few hours later, i get a long text letter from my mom (who was a fb friend of mine) telling me the typical "good luck finding friends in the world" and how we have "nothing in common anymore"; basically, it was a 'farewell' text.
cha ching
I think I agree with Dozy.... Once your mom said goodbye to you, simply because you posted, I mean what does it matter what the elders say? Hmm?
My mom became VERY businesslike with me when I quit going to the meetings for a righteous cause. My husband testified against the WT in a pedophile trial (he was an elder for decades) and they DFd him for telling the truth. I do no support liars, and stopped going. That was it. No posting of CC on Facebook, etc.
Unless your mom totally respects the elders as above her decisions, you may be history already.
I hope it goes well for you, tho elder's meetings are a wild hare... you never, and I mean never know what they will do... even if an elder's book says so.... really.
Please let us know!
Cha Ching!
Jehovah's Witnesses: the Brotherhood of Delusion
by TerryWalstrom ini am a curious person.
i am challenged by the unknown.
i can be driven, out of sheer frustration, to penetrate a closed veil of conspiracy.
cha ching
So true, Terry, people love to be entertained! Great article, and breakdown of magic.
I was watching a fairly recent movie about "Magic" and Houdini... at points, they showed how the trick was done... and it was simple, a letdown. How could it be that simple? Right? So, I could feel what you were saying, "there is no payoff"... there is no 'prestige'.
That is how the "Society" has made if for over a century.... Promises, promises.
Sophia and Caleb videos helped wake me up
by Sevan inso the sophia and caleb videos on where the parents emotionally abuse their children (especially the sparlock/obey jehovah video and the pay attention at the meetings/death threat video) were real eye openers for me.
previous to these videos, i was able to delude myself that the crazy, unbalanced behavior i noticed in some witness parents was the result of their own mental issues.
now i realize this craziness is being pushed and encouraged from the tippy top, from the grand ole maleficent seven.
cha ching
Sophia & Caleb videos.... can we say "conTROLLLLLing"!?
No "my little pony"? My niece, never a JW, had her JW grandparents visit, they showed her that Sparlock video, and in just one day, they had her afraid of her toys!
If ice cream cones are $1, and all JWs gave $1 a day, that's $8 million a day! GB's have fancy suits, fly first class, eat out.
I saw a video of a boy who told his story at a convention, of how he sold his 4-H calf, just to donate to the Society for Warwick, while the WT spends $4,000 a day to pay the court because they don't want to obey the law! Made me cry....
No make believe? The Society puts that green blobby thing in the background in that one video.... Scary!
I'm glad they made those videos... you get to see the mentality of the WT very easily! Thank you Borg!
I'm gonna sue those f€$¥kers
by moley inwell the ball has started rolling, gonna sue, can't go into to much detail.
time for some payback .
cha ching
Hang in there Moley, courts take forever... be prepared... and hopefully, like Listener said, more of their "secret information" will be revealed!
Dear Daddy This Is Your Song
by Greybeard indear daddy this is your song .
dear daddy its 2016please tell me what did you really mean?when you said we will never grow old?is this a lie that you were told?.
overlapping generations from door to door condemning the nations…“gods promises” never came truedear daddy i can’t trust you!
cha ching
Dear Greybeard, I am so sorry for you.... You know that it is your father & brothers (and fam) that deserve no respect for what they have done to you.
I am sure your father knows it, and just has to "say" that he has 'no respect for you' so that MAYBE he can stop thinking about what he did. Totally unethical, very non-'Christian'.... ALOT like the WT, right?
Have you taken your situation to a lawyer?
We wish the best for you, you are a great song writer, singer, and person!
Cha Ching & Husband
Germany start a comission against child-abuse
by crazy_flickering_light inif you live in germany, please share your story.
if not, please spread this link.
i'm so sorry, this is my first topic.
cha ching
Here is a Google translation from the first page:
'What do we do?
The Independent Commission for working up child sexual abuse investigated all forms of child sexual abuse in Germany. This includes, for example, abuse in institutions, in families, in the social environment, by foreign offenders or as part of organized sexual exploitation. The Commission is to discover structures that have allowed sexual violence in childhood and adolescence and find out why working in the past been prevented. The Commission will listen especially people who were affected in their childhood sexual abuse, thereby creating the opportunity to share and stale wrong."After a picture of a girl, it says:
"Her story is important
We encourage you to tell us of your experiences. You can contribute your story to the fact that something has changed in our society. With your help, we want facts disclose and thereby identify which mistakes were made in the past. We want to find out what must change politics and society, so that children are better protected from future abuse. Sign up if you were affected in childhood of abuse or want a contemporary witness and witness reports thereof. It counts every story."Very nice! sounds very inviting, and caring.
Are they either leaving or going full on 'cult mode'? No quarter.
by punkofnice init might just be me imagining things.. i hear things from my jw spies.. from all that's being said, it seems to me that the rank and file(tm), are either waking up to the scam and fading/leaving.
they are going full on 'cult mode' and acting like 'spiritual police'.. is it just me and my imagination?
have others noticed this?.
cha ching
With the "important people" being "comfortable in Warwick", if they get the 'inevitably' enough people to leave, they can keep selling off K Halls, pay for the comfy rest of their lives, and the "next gen" can figure out their own scheme to keep things going! Right?!
OMG, My 18 Nephews & Nieces Are Such Creative Double Life JWs
by TMS into briefly state this: we were hardcore jws, my siblings, my wife and her two sisters.
we have 18 nieces and nephews among us from late 20's to 55. only one is a card-carrying, practicing jw and he's had his problems.. what's hilarious, is that most of the 18 in the next generation would still identify themselves as jws to the rest of the family, but all are leading double lives extraordinaire, doing exactly what they want to do.
most would be honest with me and have been.
cha ching
Berlin wall, here we come!!!
Guardian Article: "How the police ended up running a paedophile site." Can only wonder if any JWs were caught
by AndersonsInfo in
cha ching
"McCoole was jailed to face court, but online, his presence barely faltered. Two officers had immediately assumed control of his account. This was in a different league from the earlier takeover of a Queensland account."
I wonder if a list of these "Users" who " had to upload material at least every 30 days or risk exile. Each of its 45,000 accounts were ranked according to the quality of their output, with a “producer’s area” walled off to all but the most feted." are available?